Monday 29 August 2011

Diabetes is a disease that can affect the whole body, including your mouth. Dental care is particularly important for people with diabetes because they face a higher than normal risk of oral health problems due to poorly controlled blood sugars. The less well controlled the blood sugar, the more likely oral health problems will arise. This is because uncontrolled diabetes impairs white blood cells, which are the body's main defense against bacterial infections that can occur in the mouth. 

Dry mouth. Uncontrolled diabetes can decrease saliva flow, resulting in dry mouth. Dry mouth can further lead to soreness, ulcers, infections, and tooth decay.
Tooth decay (cavities)
Your mouth naturally contains many types of bacteria. When starches and sugars in food and beverages interact with these bacteria, a sticky film known as plaque forms on your teeth. The acids in plaque attack the hard, outer surface of your teeth (enamel). This can lead to cavities. The higher your blood sugar level, the greater the supply of sugars and starches and the more acid wearing away at your teeth. 

Diabetes, the toothbrush, and brushing techniques

A good quality toothbrush can make all the difference to a brushing routine. Toothbrushes should have soft nylon bristles with rounded ends. They should be used gently and feel comfortable in the hand. A dentist or hygienist will have advice about the best type of toothbrush to use. 

Fluoride toothpaste will keep the teeth strong, and some toothpaste will take sensitive teeth into account. An anti-bacterial oral mouthwash may also be a good idea, but your dentist will be able to recommend one if so.

A balanced diet and regular exercise, the route treatment of any type 2 diabetic, remains the best way to keep blood sugar levels under control. Smoking can also speed up gum disease and lead to the loss of teeth. 

For more information